How To Wash A Herschel Backpack

How To Wash A Herschel Backpack- Best Guide 2023


Herschel backpacks are known for their stylish design and durability   but to maintain these features we have to take care by washing or cleaning the pack from time to time

Now Herschel packs can not be washed like the regular packs we do because this type of method can damage your gear, in this regard, there is a unique method to wash it, In this article we will try to help you out in how to wash a Herschel backpack rightly, let’s have a look

Things To Know Before Washing A Herschel Backpack

Before washing the pack, certain factors must be considered to avoid any serious damage, tearing, or fraying of the gear and maintain its quality.

1. Do not Machine Wash or Dry Clean Your Backpack

Never ever machine wash or dry clean your backpack because it will damage the quality and stylish design of the backpack use a hand wash method to clean your pack

Similarly, the Herschel company has not recommended machine washing of the gear but specifies a different method.

2. Use a Mild Soap Not a Harsh Chemical

Always use a mild soap or detergent when washing or cleaning the backpack rather than harsh chemicals which will cause two types of main damages

Firstly it will remove the protective coating layer of the backpack which helps the gear in case of rain or downpour and protects the inner content from getting wet

Secondly, it will cause serious damage to the quality and stylish design of the pack, so, always avoid harsh chemicals and use a mild soap or detergents 

3. Check The Care Label on the backpack

Prior to washing the backpack the Herschel company also recommend a set of instruction and precautionary wherein checking the manufacturer label is also important It can provide you with the best guideline for washing the pack to avoid any inconvenience so as to explore the world with a good qualitative and durable pack

4. Use Soft Tools Not Sharp Object

When the interior of the gear is dirty or filled with grime, it is best to gently wipe the dirt away with a soft brush or any soft tool instead do not use any sharp or pointy object which will scrap the backpack and cause serious damage and loss..

Besides, vacuum debris can also be helpful in cleaning the inside of the pack of any dust or dirt 

5. Always Use Warm Water

Similarly, use warm or lukewarm water and mild soap or detergents to clearly clean the gear as boiled water can damage the pack and the inner fine material of the backpack

6. Use Of Anti-Static Sprays

Sometimes the stuff stored in the pack creates a negative energy that can ruin the interior fine material of the gear which as a result causes wearing and tearing of the pack, in this regard an anti-static spray might be very helpful to work effectively to wash or clean your gear

7. Use Circular Motion To Clean

To clean effectively use a brush or sponge in a circular motion and rub some mild soap on the stained area. Make sure that the water is lukewarm water because the boiled water can damage the pack badly. Circular motion cleaning can efficiently remove dirt or stains from the spot.

What you will need

  • An empty Pack
  • Mild Soap or Detergent
  • Soft Sponge
  • Water 
  • Stain remover

How To Wash A Herschel Backpack

A Herschel backpack washing is a little more tricky than a regular pack because it is famous for its unique design and durability features. There is a different method to maintain its quality, stylish design, and durable features to last long.

Usually, people say that Herschel backpacks can not be machine washed but this is nit totally correct as those backpacks that are made from Nylon or Canvas can be machine washed while those packs that are made from leather can not be washed by machine

Basically, there are three ways to wash or clean your Herschel backpack but here we have divided it on the basis of washing the entire pack or spot cleaning treatment further subdivided into other categories, let’s have a look

1. Spot Cleaning Treatment

2. Entire Backpack Cleaning Treatment

The entire backpack cleaning treatment is subdivided into three other categories

  1. By Machine Wash
  2. By Hand Washing
  3. Cleaning a clear backpack

1. Spot Cleaning Treatment

This is also an effective technique to clean the gear if there is a stain or dirt on one area of the backpack then it is advisable to clean only that area this is called spot cleaning treatment

Spot cleaning is suggested by the company also to first only clean that area which is affected by the dust or dirt as it can protect your backpack and money from any kind of damage or loss easily 

The following steps are adopted in using the spot-cleaning treatment

1. Empty or Unload your backpack

First, you should take out everything from the gear whatever they may be empty every pocket and compartment of the pack it might be helpful during your cleaning process because you would have the freedom to turn around the gear to remove the stains or dirt from the 

2. Use a soft tool or brush

For spot cleaning use a soft tool such toothbrush, makeup brush, or even paint brush but a sponge may help easily to rub mild soap or detergent on the stained area

Mostly it is advisable to use soft sponges for washing the pack similarly using a harsh sponge may also damage the water-resistant material of the gear.

3. Apply Mild Soap or Detergents

Now apply mild soap or detergent on the stained area with lukewarm water as the Herschel company itself suggested instead of hot water or harsh chemicals which can ruin the fine material of your backpack and lead to wearing and tearing of the gear

You can also use dishwashing soap or mild body soap in this regard for cleaning the backpack

4. Keep the Backpack For an Hour

The last step in spot cleaning is to hang the backpack in the open air for an hour instead of putting it in the dryer which may create intensive heat and can loosen the material and fabric of the gear. that

You can also speed up the drying process by using the hair dryer with precautionary care that It may not heat up the gear very much. Now by following all the above steps your backpack will look like a new one 

2. Entire Backpack Cleaning Treatment

Sometimes the stain or dirt affects the whole of the backpack in that case spot cleaning might not work effectively to clean the pack, it is necessary to clean the entire gear and in this regard, a technique is used called the entire backpack cleaning treatment. There are four ways to clean the whole backpack

  • How To Machine Washed the Backpack
  • How to Washed the Backpack
  • How To Clean a Clear Backpack

1. How To Machine Washed the Backpack

As we said earlier, many people thought Herschel packs could not be machine washed it is true but up to some extent because the Nylon or Canvas types of the pack can be washed but the packs that are made from leather material can not be machine washed as it can cause severe damage to the pack but we should also pay attention to the manufacturers’ instruction too

These three steps involved cleaning the backpack through a washing machine

  1. Preparing for Machine Wash
  2. Wash the Pack
  3. Air Dry The Pack

1. Preparing For Machine Wash

Firstly, if there is a stain on the backpack, remove it with a sponge or soft tool and let it rest for 30 minutes, then place it in a pillowcase or laundry bag to prevent the straps from becoming tangled in the machine.

2. Wash The Backpack

Using a small amount of detergent, wash the bag in cold water for a gentle cycle, stopping the machine when the bag clumps up and spreading it to allow the bag to be washed.

3. Air Dry The Pack

Lastly, unzip all the zippers of the gear and hang it upside down in the air to dry instead  avoid drying the pack in the dryer as it will loosen the fine material of the gear and will damage the pack severely

Similarly, if you could dry the gear in the open air it would help to release the leftover odour from the pack.

2. How to Washed a Backpack By Hand

Sometimes a backpack can be cleaned through a machine wash in this case an old-fashioned trick can be beneficial to wash the gear and that technique is called the Hand Washing Treatment of the pack.

The following steps are used for hand washing the gear

  1. Preparing For Washing
  2. Rubbing of the backpack
  3. Washing of the pack
  4. Ai Dry the gear

1. Preparing For Washing

If there is any stain or dirt on the exterior or interior side of the pack put some water on it remove the stain or dirt with a toothbrush or sponge and rest for about 10 minutes

Now fill a tub with 6 inches of lukewarm water, not hot water as it can damage the gear severely,  and add a small amount of the detergent of good quality

2. Rubbing of the backpack

Rub/Scrub the backpack with toothbrushes or soft tools, especially on stained or dirty areas or spots. Turn the pack inside out and clean the inner side of the pack as well

In this case, a toothbrush may also be effective in cleaning the ground stain the gear.

3. Washing of the pack

Drain the dirty water from the tub and fill it with six inches of water, wash the pack, and wring it out. Wrapped a thick towel around it to absorb moisture.

4. Air-dry the Backpack

Lastly, dry the pack in the open air unzip all its zip, and hang it upside down. Similarly, if you could dry the gear in the open air it would help to release the leftover odour from the pack.

3. How To Clean a Clear Backpack

Cleaning of clear backpacks has now become as necessary as the other pack, especially in schools colleges, sporting events, parties, concerts, etc. The cleaning of the clear pack is the same as just the other with little difference.

The following steps are involved in cleaning a clear pack

  1. Remove debris from the area
  2. Rinse with soft tools
  3. Air Dry The Pack
  4. Use of Non-Acetone Nail Polish Remover

1. Remove the Debris From The Backpack

Remove all the items or stuff in your pack empty all its pockets and compartments and ensure it is clear, also vacuum to brush out any hairs of or other things on the ground

2. Rinse With Soft Tools.

Now fill a tub with about 6 inches of lukewarm water and a small amount of detergent or laundry detergent, wash the clear gear with a soft tool such sponge, etc

3. Air Dry The Pack

After doing all rest the pack in the open air and rest it for about 30 minutes. Make sure that you avoid a dryer to dry the pack because it can damage your gear badly.

4. Use of Non-Acetone Nail Polish Remover

Some companies or manufacturers recommend using non-acetone nail polish remover as an alternative to soapy water when dealing with stubborn stains or spots. Take a fresh cotton pad and scrub both the inner and outer sides of the backpack

Bonus tips to maintain your pack 

By practically experiencing and after research, we have dug out some tips for maintaining your pack which are as follows

  • When you are not using the pack, store it in a cool and dry place away from sunlight or severe temperatures
  • Avoid overloading your pack as it can damage the seams and the zippers. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding weight limits.
  • Regularly inspect your backpack if there are any stains or spots make sure to clean it on time as it can become strong.


I hope by profoundly looking into all the methods tips and tricks that are discussed above you’ll get the answer to your query about how to wash Herschel’s backpack. As Herschel produces high quality and obviously it can be dirty also you should inspect it regularly to maintain its quality.


1. How do you disinfect the inside of a backpack?

Steps to machine wash & sanitize a backpack

  • Empty the backpack. Open every zipper and remove all the contents. …
  • Pretreat any stains. Use a little liquid Clorox 2® for Colors 3-in-1 to pretreat any stains. …
  • Place the backpack in a mesh laundry bag. Use an extra-large mesh laundry bag to wash the backpack. …
  • Machine wash. …
  • Air dry.
2. How do you stop a bag from smelling musty?

To eliminate the musty smell from your bag, you can use white vinegar with distilled water as a solution. Use these two liquids together (with the same amount) using a sponge and start rubbing them into the inside of your bag or outside, where the mold has formed.

3. How do you waterproof the inside of a backpack?

Using a waterproof pack liner

The most popular approach is to line the inside of your empty backpack with a large tough plastic garbage bag or two (the strong orange ones or those made for garden waste seem to be good) or a commercially available pack liner. Then, everything simply gets packed into this as per normal.

4. What do you spray on backpacks?

303 Fabric Guard – A slightly pricier option, but specially designed for outdoor items like backpacks. Mountval Waterproofing Spray – This top-rated waterproofing spray is great for backpacks, offering versatile and breathable protection for all kinds of fabrics.

5. What’s the best way to wash a backpack?

Place the backpack in a protective washing bag to prevent damage to straps and zippers. Wash the backpack using cold water and a delicate or gentle wash cycle. Reshape and air-dry the backpack after washing.

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