How To Clean Hydration Pack Bladder

How To Clean Hydration Pack Bladder? Best Guide-2023


When you are going hiking, camping, trekking, or on any other mountaineering tours you will have to take a hydration pack for drinking water without stopping to take a sip but just like other backpacking equipment hydration pack bladder becomes dirty and needs to be cleaned before and after every use but the question is how to clean hydration pack bladder.

In the given blog post, we will be discussing the hydration pack bladder cleaning method in a new way, certain factors to consider before cleaning, and other tips and tricks for maintaining and cleaning your hydration pack bladder.

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Things To Know Before Cleaning Hydration Pack Bladder

Before cleaning the hydration pack bladder it is necessary to consider certain factors for the smooth cleaning of your hydration pack bladder as well as to avoid inconvenience and irritation during the hydration pack bladder cleaning process to save your time and money

1. Making Of Hydration Pack Bladder Cleaning Solution

First, make a cleaning solution for the hydration pack bladder by mixing 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of bleach and shaking it gently to make a solution, you have done

The bleach will sanitize the bladder and baking soda will remove smell or unpleasant odor from the bladder.

2. Buying Hydration Bladder Cleaning Tabs

You can buy hydration bladder cleaning kits which are available with the hydration bladder manufacturer. The cleaning kits include brushes for cleaning different parts of the bladder and a cleaning tab that is dissolved in water as a cleaning solution hydration pack bladder. This cleaning solution contains chlorine dioxide which performs as a bleach.

3. Material Of Hydration Pack Bladder

Usually, the hydration pack bladder is made from polyurethane or plastic and the cleaning method depends on the material from which the hydration pack bladder is made so must check the manufacturer’s recommendation for cleaning the bladder.

4. Removable Inserts

Check if your hydration pack bladder has a removable insert or parts such as a hose, bite halves, or reservoir then detach them to clean your hydration pack bladder properly.

Why Is It Important To Clean Hydration Pack Bladder

Here are the following reasons why is it important to clean your hydration pack bladder

  1. Cleaning a hydration pack bladder can be a health saving because it prevents the growth of bacteria and other unhygienic viruses in the sitting water that will make you sick.
  2. Cleaning helps in the longevity of a hydration pack bladder because mold and mildew can deteriorate the plastic which compels you to replace the nozzle or even the hydration pack bladder.
  3. A clean hydration pack bladder performs well by smoothly flowing the water through a tube and bite halve.

How To Clean Hydration Pack Bladder

A hydration pack bladder can be cleaned in two ways, scrubbing the bladder and without scrubbing the bladder by following methods such as making of cleaning solution in a tub or dishwasher, scrubbing the hydration pack bladder with a hydration pack cleaning brush brush, and then drying the bladder in the open air.

This hydration pack cleaning process is categorized by the backpackfest just for a better understanding of the said process.

Here we will discuss the hydration pack bladder cleaning process stepwise

1. Scrubbing Of The Hydration Pack Bladder

In this method, the hydration is cleaned by scrubbing the bladder with a hydration pack bladder cleaning brush to clean the bladder properly

1. Making Of Cleaning Solution (Step 1)

Firstly make a cleaning solution by mixing 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of home bleach and shake it well to dissolve to mix the two substances properly, baking soda will help to remove the unpleasant odor while bleach is added to sanitize the hydration pack bladder

2. Scrub The Hydration Pack Bladder

Now, scrub the hydration pack bladder gently with a soft bristle brush from inside and outside of the bladder to properly clean the bladder along with the bite halve and nozzle because sometimes a drop of water stays in the nozzle that accumulates bacteria or other viruses which is harmful to your health.

3. Drying Of The Bladder

Finally, dry the hydration pack bladder in the open by hanging it to a hook in an upside-down position along with placing a paper towel to absorb moisture so that the entire bladder is dried correctly.

Drying each corner and part of the hydration pack bladder is very important such as the bite halve, and nozzle because if a drop of water stays in these parts it accumulates bacteria which is harmful to your health so dry the hydration pack bladder such a manner that a small area may not left wet.

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2. Cleaning Of Hydration Pack Without Scrubbing

In this method, a hydration pack bladder can be cleaned without scrubbing the bladder or its parts, it is also a very effective method to clean your hydration pack bladder, 

In another sense, it is a quick cleaning method when you use it after the bladder is not been used for a long period such as in an extended trip.

1. Making Of Cleaning Solution (Step 1)

Put warm water in the bladder and a hydration pack cleaning or denture tab in the bladder and leave it a while to dissolve the tab properly and seal the bladder

2. Shaking The Bladder (Step 2)

After making the solution in the bladder shake the bladder gently to cover all the area of the bladder and let the bladder soak by looking into the cleaning solution instructions for how long the solution be soaked in the bladder 

3. Cleaning Of Bite Valve And Tube (Step 3)

Meanwhile, give attention to the other parts of the bladder such as the bite halve and tube, to do this, raise the sealed bladder above your head so that the solution gets into the bite halve and the tube by pinching the bite halve release the solution into the tube.

Drained some solution from the tube and bite halves into the sink and released the bite halve to stop pouring solution, now the solution is working in the entire hydration pack bladder and let it soak for 5 to 10 minutes while looking at the instructions on cleaning solution packaging.

4. Emptying Of The Bladder (Step 4)

Now, empty the bladder by pouring all the content into the sink and clean warm water, and repeat the same process so that the solution taste or odors are removed from the bladder to prepare for the drying process.

5. Dry The Hydration Pack Bladder (Step 5)

Finally, dry the hydration pack bladder in the open by hanging it to a hook in an upside-down position along with placing a paper towel to absorb moisture so that the entire bladder is dried correctly.

Drying each corner and part of the hydration pack bladder is important such as the bite halve, and tube because if a drop of water stays in these parts it accumulates bacteria which is harmful to your health so dry the hydration pack bladder such a manner that a small area may not left wet.

Tips For Maintaining And Cleaning Of Hydration Pack Bladder 


  1. Always keep a dry hydration pack bladder when not in use because wet conditions accumulate more bacteria and other viruses which harmful to individual health.
  2. After using the hydration pack bladder it is advisable to rinse it when you come back to your home, hang it upside down to a hook, and put a paper towel inside the bladder to absorb the moisture and dry the hydration pack bladder
  3. In buying a cleaning tab do consult its instructions on whether it is good for a hydration pack bladder or not.
  4. Must check the reviews, experience, and feedback of the previous customer while buying the cleaning tab or making a solution.
  5. Regularly inspect your hydration pack bladder in case of any damages such as leaks or cracks and repair it on time if you notice any issues.
  6. When not in use store the hydration pack bladder in a cool place away from sunlight as rays can damage your bladder or pack.
  7. If you want to keep the bladder for an extended period then freeze it because freezing prevents the growth of bacteria and other viruses but before freezing dry the bladder properly.


I hope by looking into all the above methods regarding how to clean a hydration pack bladder you are now in a better position to clean your hydration pack bladder by following the scrubbing or without scrubbing method to clean the bladder along with other tips and tricks for maintaining and cleaning your hydration pack bladder


1. How do you get rid of mold in your hydration bladder?

Fill the bladder with warm water. Add half a teaspoon of bleach (two tablespoons of baking soda or 2 cups of white vinegar can be used instead, but do not mix). Close the reservoir and let the mixture sit for about 30 minutes. Flush and rinse very well and dry thoroughly.

2. How long can you leave water in a hydration bladder?

Some people leave it in for a month and the water still tastes fine as long as it’s clean water being stored in the bladder. However, it’s heavily recommended to clean and dry it more than once a month to get rid of any leftovers that most likely collect in the bladder through the backflow.

3. Can you clean a hydration bladder with vinegar?

Measure 1 part white vinegar to about 6-10 parts hot water. Pour that mixture into your hydration bladder and close the lid tightly. Swish the mixture for about 5 minutes and then drain the mixture out through the tube. This way you can make sure that the tube also gets cleaned.

4. Can you put a hydration bladder in the fridge?

You can put it into the fridge but emptying and drying the hydration bladder is better. Most people recommend first emptying the bladder and leaving it to dry. To better prevent mold from growing, it is best to put the bladder into a freezer.

5. Can you use a hydration bladder in any backpack?

Keep in mind that nearly all newer daypacks and backpacks that don’t come with a hydration reservoir are designed with an interior sleeve that can hold a reservoir. If that describes an existing pack you own or are thinking about purchasing, you can simply add a reservoir to it to make it a hydration pack.

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